About Us

Chris Bruns
Radio Host / Web Administrator
Chris received Jesus as his Savior when he was 9 years old during vacation bible school at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Temple. When he was 14 he was baptized at Southside Baptist Church where his family attended while he was growing up.
As a teenager Chris used his musical talents at Southside Baptist Church as Assistant Music Leader and his path crossed with Brother Merle on many occasions at revivals and homecomings all over Southern IL.
Chris graduated high school in 1988 and that summer went to work at WMIX radio where he recorded many commercials for The Ole Time Gospel Singing. During this time Brother Merle never missed a chance to invite Chris to Bonnie Baptist Church where he served as Pastor at the time. Shortly after Mother’s Day, May 10th. 1992 Chris and his Fiancee’ Sandy finally did.
In early 1993 Chris became Music Director at Bonnie Baptist where he served only a short time until the end of 1996.
During their time at Bonnie Baptist Brother Merle, Sister Bev and the whole Fullerton Family welcomed Chris and Sandy in as if they were part of their own family. On February 14th, 1994 Chris and Sandy were married by brother Merle at Bonnie Baptist Church. Merle’s son Glendell Fullerton was best man.

Merle Fullerton
Pastor / Radio Host / Inspiration
Rev. Fullerton surrendered to a call to full time Christian service on March 31, 1957. He never stopped serving, equally using his God-given gifts in sharing the gospel in sermons and music.
Rev. Fullerton served as Pastor at several Baptist churches throughout the years as well as officiating thousands of funeral services. He was uniquely gifted at making people feel very loved and special at any type of gathering, whether it be Sunday morning church service, revival, wedding or a funeral. He knew people and their families, their personal stories and had a very personal touch at weaving these things into his sermons.
In addition to his work as a Pastor, he has been active in promoting Gospel concerts throughout Southern Illinois. Just some of the groups he has helped bring to the area include The Kingsmen, The Florida Boys, Gold City, The Cathedrals, and The Rex Nelon Singers. One of the highlights of Merle’s ministry was the recording of Kingsmen “Live Naturally” at Mt. Vernon Township High School 41 years ago. Rev. Fullerton served as the Master of Ceremonies to a packed house.
Rev. Fullerton started his WMIX radio ministry in 1972 with a program called “Gospel Quartet Time”. Two years later he changed the name to “The Ole Time Gospel Singing.”
That program aired for many years on WMIX right up to the day before he went home to heaven on August 14th, 2023.
We know Brother Merle is soaking up all the glory of Heaven and we can’t wait to see him again when our work here is done.

Glendell "Gimby" Fullerton
Radio Host / Inspiration
Glendell Fullerton or “Gimby” as everyone knew him was a good friend to everyone he met. As you can see in the picture, He was also a huge Kentucky Wildcat fan just like his mom Bev.
Gimby was a radio personality and always had the dream of owning his own radio station and serving the lord. Fast forward to August 2023 and the passing of Merle Fullerton, Gimby sought to continue the radio ministry his dad had started and was so successful with. This is The Ole Time Gospel Singing’s 51st. year. Gimby started hosting the program and so it continued.
Shortly after his dad’s funeral Gimby and Chris decided they wanted to expand The Ole Time Gospel Singing’s reach and with the help of LIVE365 technology started to stream the program on the internet along with the best Southern Gospel Music 24/7/365.
Gimby was finally able to live that dream of owning his own radio station and serving the lord with his own unique talents even if it was only for a short time.
Gimby passed away Nov. 26th. 2023. He will be missed by all who knew him but we know he’s now with his dad Merle and enjoying all the wonders of heaven.
Our Vision
The Master’s Radio
24/7 Internet Based Radio Station
While attending Bonnie Baptist Church, Glendell and Chris, who were both radio personalities at the time, always dreamed of owning their own Radio Station one day and lending their talents to serving the lord.
Thanks to Live365 streaming technology it is no longer a dream, it has become a reality.
We truly hope you enjoy your visit here and you are welcome all the time.